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INSPIRATION BLAST "THE LORD'S WORK" – is demonstrated through HIS power and love towards us. We use phrases like "WON'T HE DO IT and NOTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD" in our lives from the simple to the greatest in meeting our needs and desires. Something simple, but a "Big deal." I was almost oversleeping this Sunday morning and needed to be up for 6:30 a.m. prayer. The LORD sent my sister (not in person nor through the phone) to me saying in my head "Aren't you supposed to be up this morning, get up." The Blast also focuses on the greater things God has done, to make our requests known and a reminder we are GOD'S elect-His chosen. A must read. Please click below to receive what God has for us. Continue blessings!!!

Welcome to #YourDestiny, #Your Best Monday Morning Inspirational Blast: “THE LORD’S WORK” – Then phrases we use represents God’s power and love towards us also include: “GOD NEVER FAILS, OUR PRESENT HELP, and NONE LIKE HIM.” As already stated "The LORD’S WORK” in our lives from the simple to the greatest sustains our needs and desires. Something simple, but a “Big deal.” I was almost oversleeping this Sunday morning and needed to be up for 6:30 a.m. prayer. The LORD sent my sister (not in person nor by phone) to me saying in my head "Aren't you supposed to be up this morning, get up." God's love and His present help. I was up on time for prayer. GOD did this for me….There are so many great things He has done for me, as well as you. Then retiring after several months short of 30 years. I made poor business deals, but most importantly out of pride/ignorance told God what I was not going to do. Therefore at some point went through a drought which included no money to buy food. Yet did not miss a meal nor put outdoors. Now restored in many ways. Only because of God’s grace, mercy, favor and love; as well as I repented with remorse.  Think about the great things God has done for you. Today people, family and friends are struggling due to lack of money for the high costs of food. Many places has no food for the people to eat. What about costs for rent, insurance, childcare and more. But “NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR GOD.” Jeremiah 32:17 “Ah LORD God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is NOTHING TOO HARD FOR THEE." First LORD forgive us of all our sins. Despite of ourselves we thank You for seeing us as holy people because Jesus died for our sins. We thank You every day we are becoming more like Jesus. Now LORD we lift up families, friends and all people to YOU. We are thankful for food banks and feeding ministries. Yet YOU ARE THE LORD OF THE HARVEST/FOOD. LORD we ask that YOU multiply the food to feed all the people today like YOU fed 5,000 people in Matthew 14:13-21 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. YOU are the God of the SUPERNATURAL. We pray through YOUR provisions, grace, mercy and favor that all of our needs are met. Then LORD, YOUR WORD Philippians 4:6 “Be careful (anxious) for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Now we pray for YOUR blessings and favor among unfair elected officials and injustice within our government like the unrighteous Judge in Luke 18. The unrighteous Judge finally dealt with this woman’s adversary to keep her from nagging him. Some lessons we can learn from this situation. However note this lady was God’s elect-His chosen one like us. We give thanks to God for we are His elect-chosen sons and daughters of the King of kings. As always, #peace, #love, #hope, #blessings, #deliverance, #belief, #Salvation #meditate and #praise. #Neatbooks4u