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This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast BE ENCOURAGE focuses on seemingly mountains that can't be moved. We share scriptures supporting the I AM GOD is greater and more powerful than a mountain of any size, another metaphor as we convey our mountains of "Troubles that seems to be on every side." BE ENCOURAGE Blast highlights are: Paul had to BE ENCOURAGE since false apostles infiltrated the Corinthian church to mislead believers from the true gospel of Christ. The church openly insulted Paul's character that led to his sadness in their lack of loyalty to defend Him; BE ENCOURAGE for many of us have been challenged by folks manipulating others to believe false accusations about us on the job, in the church, sometimes within our social networks and family life, scriptures are include like Matthew 17:20 to increase our faith and more.
We are challenged BEYOND our wildest dreams and imaginations. Yet God' power is BEYOND our weaknesses. This Inspirational Blast GOD'S ABILITY BEYOND OUR DISABILITY includes His faultless ABILITY of loving kindness, compassion, faithfulness and through Christ His Power during and throughout our DISABILITY.
How do we maintain a HEART that's pleasing to God while pressing or going through life battles or troubles in the home, on the job and other situations impacting our lives? Proverbs 4:23 says we are to "Keep our heart with all diligence (carefully), for out of it springs the issues of life." This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "THE HEART" is securely protected in spiritual warfare through the "Breastplate of Righteousness. We share the metaphor of physical warfare weaponry to spiritual warfare weaponry, then the importance and protection of our righteousness as well as holiness through the perfection of Christ to overcome and endure life issues.
This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast, a reminder of "GOD'S ENDLESS LOVE" for us. ENDLESS synonyms are nonstop, everlasting, continual, infinite and unbroken. Yes GOD's ENDLESS LOVE for us is all the above in this life and that to come. In Romans 5:8 God commends His LOVE towards us. To better understand "God commends" click the link below for the entire blog. GOD'S ENDLESS LOVE helps and rescues us in ways beyond our imagination. One of eight examples are: "Total Praise" by Richard Smallwood describes "GOD'S unwavering LOVE and His faithfulness to us;" and adding His LOVE despite our imperfections. Continue blessings and love you!!!
This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast Hebrew 6:13-20 records the greatest truths reassuring "OUR HOPE." This Blast confirms OUR HOPE in God's promises are yea and Amen! He is a God that does not lie and no doubt a strong consolation that God's promises are sure and steadfast. OUR HOPE in God's blessings are to encourage and restore every believers confidence in Christ our Forerunner-Mediator and more. What we can do when "The road gets rough." More is shared on God's promises and His unchanging character concerning OUR HOPE. Special giveaways of two (2) Get Through, Going Through-Life Christian books by Author Arnetha. So please click below to finish reading the Blast, to receive the question and be the first two persons responding with the correct answer.
This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast thou shall "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR as thyself (Mark 12:3). A LOVE continuation from last week. This week focusing on what it means to love oneself, our neighbor, the definition of a neighbor, how God sees us and how to love despite our ups and down. A must read that increases our heartfelt desires to "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR" more.
This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "LOVE" (Mark 12:30-31). We are commanded by Jesus on how to LOVE Him which is the first of His greatest two commandments. Then learn more or enhance what we already know which qualifies the LORD'S mandate to LOVE, the power in His LOVE, what His LOVE has done and continues to do in the lives of every believer. A must read and don't miss out! Next week we will continue more on God's mandate to LOVE.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "OUR PURCHASE GUARANTEE" Normally when purchasing stores items there are rules regarding returns and exchanges. Then we experience product defects, long return lines and more hassles. Therefore our purchase guarantee many times are faulty. Not so with our LORD, Jesus Christ, OUR PURCHASE GUARANTEE. He is perfect in all His ways requiring no money exchange for OUR PURCHASE GUARANTEE, only our confession of belief and heart. There's much more about returns, exchanges and what makes the LORD OUR PURCHASE GUARANTEE. A must read and please don't miss out!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "GOD IS" the first of three Points given in a sermon titled "Faith Works-No Turning Back." I was blessed a week ago to share. We must know who GOD IS for "Faith Works" when operating out of our hearts. Scripture Hebrews 11:3 declares GOD IS the Creator of the heavens and earth. Yet just the beginning. Then more on our Triune GOD IS: El Shaddai is His Hebrew name that means the LORD God Almighty in English. Also known as the All Sufficient One which speaks of God's power over man's frailty. There is more. A must read and don't miss out!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "I CAN" not through my power, might nor strength! But according to Philippians 4:13. Just to note this letter by Paul is known as "The Epistle of Joy and Peace" that was written from prison to the Philippians' church. As believers we are the church and should represent Christ wherever we go. Probably amazing to many that Paul writes about having joy and peace while behind bars or lock-up. Most of us are not bound like Paul. Yet our minds maybe bound with troubles or we seems to be in bondage due to life and world conditions. Paul is telling us we/I CAN (making it personal) have joy beyond and above our situations." Therefore Blast focusing on the I CAN recipe or blueprint for the mind to stay focus on Christ producing joy and peace way above and beyond our circumstances. A must read.