Article Archive

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Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "YEA AND AMEN" Romans 5:5-8 focuses on the guarantee of God's new covenant promises, His love, our heart, empowerment, being made perfect for "Good works," mercy and grace. A must read!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast last week focused on our life battles and that are too deep and devasting to rely on our measly human power. Our human power represents flesh and blood which are powerless in its quest to defeat and overcome satan's tricks, schemes and deceptions. We reiterated our battles are spiritual, identified our Weapons of Warfare and I promised to break down God's Whole Armor using excerpts from Get Through, Going Through-Life book. Therefore our Morning Inspirational Blast "OUR VICTORIES" focus on each of the mentioned weapons of warfare, the soldiers' defensive weapons' power in physical wars and the comparison of these defensive weapons' power in spiritual wars. Just to note one of these weapons are also offensive. God desires we use His Whole Armor for our benefit even though His power is beyond our imagination.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "FAITH IN ACTION" our challenge to continue or strengthen the evidence of TRUE FAITH in God. "Be doers of God's Word, not hearers only (James 1:22)." We learn more and/or reconfirm the evidence of godly living during our struggles or trials, demonstrations of Who our present help is and our benefits with a promise.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "A CALLING BACK" 2 Chronicles 7:14, a personal response from God to King Solomon for his prayer of supplication on the behalf of Israel, the importance of "A CALLING BACK" for all believers and its impact. A must read!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "LIVING WATER," its meaning, connection to our spirit, the significance of water and LIVING WATER to life and empowerment. A must read.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "THE HEART MATTERS" focuses on "Renew a right spirit within me" that is not cleanse with soap and water, but by the Spirit of Christ; matters of the heart and more. A must read, continue blessings and love!!!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS" an old Hymn that avails much power today. An antidote when feeling low, rejected, in need of encouragement, forgiveness, peace and more. The Word of God clearly says, "Be anxious for nothing" and more (Philippians 4:6-7). We are to Carry Everything to God in Prayer. When we do this the LORD gives us peace like a river, He forgives us of our sins and still loves us. A must read.
This Blast focuses on the roles of a Father and Father Figures that includes pity/compassion, nurturing and more for the weak; life difficulties; the love of God; and the importance of forgiveness. A must read!
"FULLY COMMITTED" focuses on our calling to Salvation, growing in Christ from an infant/babe to spiritual maturity, life's ups/down, God's promises, our ANCHOR in Christ and the benefits.
"HAT'S OFF TO MOMS" is the focus of this Inspirational Blast as we celebrated MOTHER'S DAY this past Sunday. MOTHERS are worthy of celebration on this special day and every day. Scriptures in this Inspirational Blast acknowledges the joy of MOTHERHOOD despite the pain, defines the characteristics and a map or guide for women as a MOMS, GRANDMOTHERS or LIKE A MOM influencing a child, children and/or grown children's "Good works"/success. A must read!