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Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "FAITH IN ACTION" our challenge to continue or strengthen the evidence of TRUE FAITH in God. "Be doers of God's Word, not hearers only (James 1:22)." We learn more and/or reconfirm the evidence of godly living during our struggles or trials, demonstrations of Who our present help is and our benefits with a promise.

Welcome to #YourDestiny, #Your Best Monday Morning Inspirational Blast “FAITH IN ACTION” is the evidence of “True Faith.” James a martyr who was thrown down from the temple, then stoned to death while on his knees praying for his persecutors. Chosen by God to pen the Book of James that’s also known as “The General Epistles.” His letters were for general audiences, unlike Paul whose letters were written to individuals and congregations. We must remember during James’ writings his church had already scattered. Believers on the run for their lives due to persecution. Maybe we can say James’ church was without walls. Maybe some of us are not physically present in the church building. Maybe our Christ messages are through social media platforms, radio, television, Bible reader for self, Bible Study in someone’s home or reminiscing on how Momma or grandma “Nem” took us to church. Then we are thankful for those of us that assemble ourselves among the body of Christ and those that are unable to assemble themselves like before. A big thanks for those that are preachers and teachers of God’s Word.

Anyway James’ letters are a present help that teaches all how to live for Christ  reiterates the importance of our “FAITH IN ACTION” despite the trials, despite our struggles. James 1:22 “But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” He is teaching us “True Faith is the: Evidence by Growth through Trials (James 1:3-4). The primary points are our trials produces patience, the ability to wait, endurance, perseverance, hope, spiritual growth and blessings; Evidence by Works of Love (James 2:8) known as Royal or Sovereign Love.” We are commanded “Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself, ye do well” in showing love and mercy like Christ; Evidence by Wisdom in trials (James 1:5) says, “We are to pray to God for wisdom during trials, believe and trust His wisdom gives us the ability to comprehend--He has a plan for us, a purpose in our sufferings and to realize His purposes may be beyond our understanding. Wisdom of the Tongue  is understanding the practical skills of the Word like be slow to anger, living life glorifying God, knowing divine wisdom leads to joy and submissiveness to God’s will in midst of our trials. Now we are able to demonstrate self-control with a pure heart (James 1:26-27; 3:1-18 ); Evidence by Separation from the World (James 4:6-17) requires we humble ourselves before God, submit to His will, resist the devil and he shall flee, draw near to God and He draws near to us, cleanse our hands LORD-let us see and confess our sins, purify our attitudes and mourn over our sin; and Evidence by Dependance upon God (James 5:1-17). The road may seems hard, but the Word says, “We can endure hardship, however not by depending on self or possessions for happiness or security. Then we’re not to commit injustice to men or women for material gain. Father we present ourselves before You with praise, thanksgiving,  adoration and reverence for the evidence of our FAITH IN ACTION. We are hearers and doers of Your Word. Forgive us LORD where we are weak. Holy Spirit help us to grow spiritually from our trials, to love our neighbor more, to operate in Your divine wisdom, to control our tongue, serve You with a pure heart, resist the devil and he shall flee and to lean and depend on You more. We humbly pray to You, LORD in Jesus’ name, Amen!!! As always your comments are welcome, #peace, #love, #hope, #blessings, #deliverance, #belief, #Salvation #meditate and #praise. #Neatbooks4u