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Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "LIVING WATER," its meaning, connection to our spirit, the significance of water and LIVING WATER to life and empowerment. A must read.

Welcome to #YourDestiny, #Your Best Monday Morning Inspirational Blast “LIVING WATER” John 4:10 “Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knew the gift of God, and Who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou would have asked of Him, and He would have given thee LIVING WATER. So LIVING WATER sustains our lives on earth and is our assurance of life in the new heaven and new earth. Later more on LIVING WATER.  

Who remembers the formula H20 for water? The first person that inbox me on Facebook with the right answer will receive a free copy of Sometimes Here, There and Everywhere storybook and a copy of the Workbook. Anyway to reiterate the importance of water Medical News Today (2023) says “Adult humans are 60% water and our blood is 90% water, water lubricates the joints, forms saliva and mucus, delivers oxygen throughout the body, boosts skin health and beauty, cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues, regulates body temperature, the digestive system depends on it, flushes body waste, helps maintain blood pressure, the airways need it, makes minerals and nutrients accessible, prevents kidney damage by regulating fluid in the body to prevent kidney stones and other problems, boosts performance during exercise and helps with weigh loss. Therefore without water for life on earth we would not be in existence. Our Triune God created the heavens, earth and everything within is His. Let us thank our LORD for Their provision of water sustaining our physical and mental life on earth.    

Yet God’s plan for mankind is beyond the substance of water for our physical and mental wellbeing. The believer cannot live on earth nor have residency in the new heaven and new earth without LIVING WATER. LIVING WATER is the Holy Spirit. Jesus extends this offer to everyone. Revelation 22:16-17 “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the Bright and Morning Star. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the WATER OF LIFE FREELY” which occurs after the confession and acceptance of Jesus as LORD and Savior in our lives (salvation).

Our gift of LIVING WATER/the Holy Spirit living in our hearts is the source of all believers’--spiritual power. This spiritual power is the constant display of Christ’s characteristics in our lives. We are powerless without LIVING WATER. We display love instead of hate. We display joy despite our pain. We display peace in the midst of our storms. We display longsuffering giving us the ability to go the extra mile with folks, even though dealt with the same old issue before. We display gentleness instead of talking about people. We display goodness instead of evildoing. We display faith despite how things look. We display meekness instead of a self-importance. We display temperance/self-control instead of out of control behavior or speech. Therefore the power of  LIVING WATER is the continuous lifeline to our spirit that equips, refreshes and revives our spirit. An active flowing well of LIVING WATER leading us to eternal life in the new heaven and new earth. Thank You LORD for seeing us beyond human beings in the earth and to see us as transformed beings with you in the new heaven and new earth! As always your comments are welcome, #peace, #love, #hope, #blessings, #deliverance, #belief, #Salvation #meditate and #praise. #Neatbooks4u