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Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "THE HEART MATTERS" focuses on "Renew a right spirit within me" that is not cleanse with soap and water, but by the Spirit of Christ; matters of the heart and more. A must read, continue blessings and love!!!

Welcome to #YourDestiny, #Your Best Monday Morning Inspirational Blast “THE HEART MATTERS” Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Soap and hot water cannot renew our hearts nor perfume/cologne will cover up an unclean heart needing to be made right. I need You LORD to renew and work in me daily so that my thoughts, speech and actions are guided by my heart not my head. Continue to guide me O LORD as I come before You more and more in prayer, confessing my sin, asking and thanking You for--forgiving me. As my prayer life becomes increasingly persistently closer and upright with You--THE HEART MATTERS intensely and REPRESENTS YOUR SPIRIT because my HEART is more LOVING, FORGIVING, DISCERNING, KIND, FILLED WITH WISDOM, FAITHFUL AND STEADFAST IN YOU. Thanks be to our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ through His shed blood, death, burial, resurrection and ascension/return to heaven sits at the Right Hand of The Father—Christ’s Holy Spirit our Comforter, Power and Present Help lives within us and we in Him. Therefore you and I are equip with the Power to display a HEART LIKE CHRIST since our OR “THE HEART MATTERS!!! As always your comments are welcome, #peace, #love, #hope, #blessings, #deliverance, #belief, #Salvation #meditate and #praise. #Neatbooks4u