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"THE POSSIBILITY OF THE IMPOSSIBILITY" is about feeling like David in Psalm 143 when his "Back was against the wall," when we are seemingly in despair, recognizing God, prayer, righteousness, warfare and receiving the IMPOSSIBILITY.

Welcome to #YourDestiny, #Your Best Monday Morning Inspirational Blast: THE POSSIBILITY OF THE IMPOSSIBILITY" when seemingly all hope is gone. Psalm 143 tells us of David’s “Passion, Predicament and Plea” to God. He found himself overwhelmed, his “Back up against a wall,” in a sinking ship bound to go under at any minute. His enemies pressed against him like a flood, OMG! Read Psalm 143. What did David do? He went before God in prayer. He first recognized God’s character of faithfulness and righteousness. He then said, “No man is without sin to include himself.” With a humble attitude, he asked God not to judge him.

We NOW have Jesus our Savior, we acknowledge LORD I/we have sin, fallen short of your righteousness, forgive me/us LORD and thanks for Your forgiveness. My/our desires are to be more like you and allow Your ways like love, forgiveness, self-control and patience to operate more in my/our lives. I/we request more wisdom and discernment to live more like You.

Back to David, he desperately needed God’s divine intervention to handle the seemingly IMPOSSIBILITY similar to us when we find ourselves seemingly at war with life struggles, injustices, devasting weather conditions, and leaving our children, grandchildren and seed a far off some wealth. The late Dr. Charles Stanley said, “The best thing we can leave our children is to know Jesus.” So our flesh is at war with what we see, a constant battle and frustration. How to fight the IMPOSSIBILITY is found in Ephesians 6:10-18. A must read. Then verse 12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Meaning—Satan’s forces of darkness, evilness an entire realm of spiritual beings in different rankings with destructive purposes, deceptive tricks and schemes.

Therefore warfare requires putting on the whole armor of God. We are Christ’s warriors and our resource goes back to prayer similar to David. Verse 18 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. This is noted for the church, but each individual in the body of Christ is the church. Then Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Therefore to address THE POSSIBILITY OF THE IMPOSSIBILITY” our seemingly battles, perplexities and desires are to be taken to the LORD in prayer. Then we must always pray general and specific prayers to the LORD. Our prayers should line up with the Word/will of God. We must be persistent and patient with an expectation when we pray. Thanks be unto the LORD of lords, the King of kings for the POSSIBILITY OF THE IMPOSSIBILITY” through prayer in Jesus’ name! As always, #peace, #love, #hope, #blessings, #deliverance, #belief, #Salvation #meditate and #praise. #Neatbooks4u