This week's Inspirational Blast: Moving Forward – “A Promise.” Last week’s Inspirational Blast included Habakkuk, the prophet’s cried-out to God. He was perplexed and asked God two questions. The LORD answered his cry and Habakkuk got an understanding of both questions. So it was suggested we cry-out to God like Habakkuk. Therefore this Inspirational Blast: Moving Forward - "A Promise" since I cried out to the LORD.
Last week Monday morning I was on my way to work listening to the Clark Sister’s song, “Just For Me.” Then I begin thinking about my Unfinish Business like Christian books and studies I need to complete, in addition to children’s books and studying for a test. Overwhelmed I cried out “Help me LORD like Habakkuk.” God’s response took me by surprise! Through our line of communication which is God’s Spirit to my spirit—His Spirit spoke. I clearly heard my name, "Neat, how long I have to put up with or contend with you? I was "Dumb founded" for a couple of days, but obviously got the message. God was asking me about a Promise I made Him and failed to honor. My promise to God was made prior to my second retirement. I promised God I will work full-time for Him since He allowed me to work 45 years in the secular world. The plan was to finish writing the Christian books, teach His Word and complete various biblical studies. None-the-less I retired for nine months, went back to work and did not keep my Promise to God.
Again “Neat, how long does it take to honor your Promise to Me?" Remember what previously occurred and how I brough you through?” Yes I remember LORD. My story during that time includes--we were writing grants and running programs. During prayer I was led to study “The whole armor of God.” I studied for a while and later felt studying the Word interfered with writing grants and running programs. Resulting to me telling God, “I’m too busy and don’t have time.” Therefore I discontinued my studies. Repented later after going through a drought of financial and emotional despair-- learning how to trust God. Upon remorsefulness I clearly heard the Spirit say, to my spirit (me), “I got your back!” Time passed, then restoration manifest in the natural. Meaning in this situation I no longer walked by faith because restoration is seen and currently operating in my life.
Therefore thankful and praising You, God for Your unconditional love for me and reminding me of my Promise/Vow to You. A serious situation and I do not want to continue in sin. Deuteronomy 23:21-23 If you make a vow to the LORD your God, do not be slow to pay it, for the LORD your God will certainly demand it of you and you will be guilty of sin. But if you refrain from making a vow, you will not be guilty. Whatever your lips utter you must be sure to do, because you made your vow freely to the LORD your God with your own mouth. LORD please forgive me for making a Promise that I did not keep with you and thanks for Your continual blessings upon me. In Moving Forward. please continue to have pity upon me and others as we work through fulfilling our Promises/Vows to You. It is about gratitude to the LORD for His love, grace, mercy, restoration, answered prayers and blessings. We are reminded of Hannah's gratitude and vow to God since He granted her crying out (prayer request). Hannah fulfilled her Vow/Promise to God. Read 1 Samuel 1:10-28. We all must be like Hannah when we make a Promise/Vow unto the LORD.
We pray this Inspirational Blast Moving Forward “A Promise” will inspire all of us. Moving Forward - A Promise – This is a heart of gratitude motivating us to Move Forward in making A Promise/Vow unto God. Please share and join us on Live Monday, 12/12 @ 6:00 a.m. for about 5 minutes - Then blog/post and share with us on "Your Destiny, Your Best!" Thanks & Blessings