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INSPIRATION BLAST "THE LORD'S WORK" – is demonstrated through HIS power and love towards us. We use phrases like "WON'T HE DO IT and NOTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD" in our lives from the simple to the greatest in meeting our needs and desires. Something simple, but a "Big deal." I was almost oversleeping this Sunday morning and needed to be up for 6:30 a.m. prayer. The LORD sent my sister (not in person nor through the phone) to me saying in my head "Aren't you supposed to be up this morning, get up." The Blast also focuses on the greater things God has done, to make our requests known and a reminder we are GOD'S elect-His chosen. A must read. Please click below to receive what God has for us. Continue blessings!!!

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"BE READY, BE READY, BE READY!" Inspired by a Facebook Eclipse comment from Influence HER: Woman of Worth, "Y'all worried about the eclipse coming when y'all need to worry about when Jesus is coming" and inspirations from two friends. The coming of the LORD and His purpose is confirmed in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 "For the LORD Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and moreā€¦." We share headline news of the eclipse and the life changing significance of Headline News for the Rapture that will impact us eternally. The believer must BE READY, BE READY, BE READY! We don't want to be asleep if Christ returns while we are alive. Then we want to be in Christ when we died to be resurrect first and hear the message "Good and faithful servant." A must read! Please click below to receive all God has for us and blessings!!!

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Ephesians 2:10 excerpts "We are God's workmanship and through Christ created for Good Works. Requiring self-denial like Christ. Also focusing on Luke 22:42 saying "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me. Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done;" in addition to Christ's cup, our bitter cup and ways to remain focus on Good Works since we are CHOSEN by God for greatness—His Good Works!

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