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This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "LOVE" (Mark 12:30-31). We are commanded by Jesus on how to LOVE Him which is the first of His greatest two commandments. Then learn more or enhance what we already know which qualifies the LORD'S mandate to LOVE, the power in His LOVE, what His LOVE has done and continues to do in the lives of every believer. A must read and don't miss out! Next week we will continue more on God's mandate to LOVE.

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Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "OUR PURCHASE GUARANTEE" Normally when purchasing stores items there are rules regarding returns and exchanges. Then we experience product defects, long return lines and more hassles. Therefore our purchase guarantee many times are faulty. Not so with our LORD, Jesus Christ, OUR PURCHASE GUARANTEE. He is perfect in all His ways requiring no money exchange for OUR PURCHASE GUARANTEE, only our confession of belief and heart. There's much more about returns, exchanges and what makes the LORD OUR PURCHASE GUARANTEE. A must read and please don't miss out!

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Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "GOD IS" the first of three Points given in a sermon titled "Faith Works-No Turning Back." I was blessed a week ago to share. We must know who GOD IS for "Faith Works" when operating out of our hearts. Scripture Hebrews 11:3 declares GOD IS the Creator of the heavens and earth. Yet just the beginning. Then more on our Triune GOD IS: El Shaddai is His Hebrew name that means the LORD God Almighty in English. Also known as the All Sufficient One which speaks of God's power over man's frailty. There is more. A must read and don't miss out!

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