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"HAT'S OFF TO MOMS" is the focus of this Inspirational Blast as we celebrated MOTHER'S DAY this past Sunday. MOTHERS are worthy of celebration on this special day and every day. Scriptures in this Inspirational Blast acknowledges the joy of MOTHERHOOD despite the pain, defines the characteristics and a map or guide for women as a MOMS, GRANDMOTHERS or LIKE A MOM influencing a child, children and/or grown children's "Good works"/success. A must read!
"EVE THE FIRST WOMAN" Summary focuses on Women's History Month-March. What a great way to begin with the Mother of us all. The first woman, the first wife, the first grandmother and more. This blast shares Eve's creation from Adam's rib and in the likeness of God, her life journey of sorrows, disappointment and joy. Then as WOMEN how we are so much like Eve. A must read and thanks, you CLICK for MORE. LOVE & CONTINUE BLESSINGS!
We are to Praise the LORD for His mighty acts, power, authority, His suffering and death on the cross, deliverance, salvation, love, grace and mercy. We are to continue Praising the LORD in the midst of our pains and sorrows.
Giving Thanks/Thanksgiving demonstrates our gratitude for endless blessings to include harvest, family & prosperity. Moreover, I would be amiss for failing to acknowledge this holiday triggers depression, isolation & pain. This is the truth for those who have experience the death of loved ones & or other trauma events. The purpose of this article is to share a portion of history on Giving Thanks/Thanksgiving, mourning of the Wampanoag-Native Americans & grieving insight/help.