Article Archive
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This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast continues to share more on THE EVIDENCE OF OUR SALVATION to include more clarity and scriptures on the anticipated events or prophesy of what to expect, the evidences of our beliefs, spiritual growth and more.
This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast is about the absolute assurances of "JESUS THE ROCK AND THE ROCK OF OUR SALVATION" examines Earth's rocks, the rock cycle of changes, the different types and comparison of rocks to JESUS THE ROCK, as well as exploring JESUS THE ROCK OF OUR SALVATION, scriptures and the evidence of our belief.
We are challenged BEYOND our wildest dreams and imaginations. Yet God' power is BEYOND our weaknesses. This Inspirational Blast GOD'S ABILITY BEYOND OUR DISABILITY includes His faultless ABILITY of loving kindness, compassion, faithfulness and through Christ His Power during and throughout our DISABILITY.
Morning Inspirational Blast expounds on Part 2--CHRIST'S DECLARATIONS of Himself, "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE, I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD, I AM THE WAY AND THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE; and I AM THE TRUE VINE." None other greater. Then insight on the I AM Declarations' power to sustain, protect, guide, correct and bless us in our daily living. Then the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast, a reminder of "GOD'S ENDLESS LOVE" for us. ENDLESS synonyms are nonstop, everlasting, continual, infinite and unbroken. Yes GOD's ENDLESS LOVE for us is all the above in this life and that to come. In Romans 5:8 God commends His LOVE towards us. To better understand "God commends" click the link below for the entire blog. GOD'S ENDLESS LOVE helps and rescues us in ways beyond our imagination. One of eight examples are: "Total Praise" by Richard Smallwood describes "GOD'S unwavering LOVE and His faithfulness to us;" and adding His LOVE despite our imperfections. Continue blessings and love you!!!
This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast thou shall "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR as thyself (Mark 12:3). A LOVE continuation from last week. This week focusing on what it means to love oneself, our neighbor, the definition of a neighbor, how God sees us and how to love despite our ups and down. A must read that increases our heartfelt desires to "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR" more.
This Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "LOVE" (Mark 12:30-31). We are commanded by Jesus on how to LOVE Him which is the first of His greatest two commandments. Then learn more or enhance what we already know which qualifies the LORD'S mandate to LOVE, the power in His LOVE, what His LOVE has done and continues to do in the lives of every believer. A must read and don't miss out! Next week we will continue more on God's mandate to LOVE.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "GOD IS" the first of three Points given in a sermon titled "Faith Works-No Turning Back." I was blessed a week ago to share. We must know who GOD IS for "Faith Works" when operating out of our hearts. Scripture Hebrews 11:3 declares GOD IS the Creator of the heavens and earth. Yet just the beginning. Then more on our Triune GOD IS: El Shaddai is His Hebrew name that means the LORD God Almighty in English. Also known as the All Sufficient One which speaks of God's power over man's frailty. There is more. A must read and don't miss out!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on 1 Corinthians 15:58 and a portion of this verse is "Therefore My beloved brethren be ye "STEADFAST, UNMOVEABLE & ABOUNDING" in the LORD'S work! This Blast defines "Beloved," shares how the heart of God sustains our ability to be "STEADFAST, UNMOVEABLE & ABOUNDING." Then a breakdown on how to serve. For example (1) When we feel weak and tried declare 2 Corinthians 12:9 - "My/God's grace is all you/I need, for My power is the greatest when you are weak. Then Psalm 18:2 "The LORD is my Rock, and my Fortress, and my Deliverer; my God, my Strength, in whom I will trust." A must read!
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on 1 Corinthians 15:58 and a portion of this verse is "Therefore My beloved brethren be ye "STEADFAST, UNMOVEABLE & ABOUNDING" in the LORD'S work! This Blast defines "Beloved," shares how the heart of God sustains our ability to be "STEADFAST, UNMOVEABLE & ABOUNDING." Then a breakdown on how to serve. For example (1) When we feel weak and tried declare 2 Corinthians 12:9 - "My/God's grace is all you/I need, for My power is the greatest when you are weak. Then Psalm 18:2 "The LORD is my Rock, and my Fortress, and my Deliverer; my God, my Strength, in whom I will trust." A must read!