Article Archive

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Monday Morning Inspirational Blast focuses on "FAITH IN ACTION" our challenge to continue or strengthen the evidence of TRUE FAITH in God. "Be doers of God's Word, not hearers only (James 1:22)." We learn more and/or reconfirm the evidence of godly living during our struggles or trials, demonstrations of Who our present help is and our benefits with a promise.
Monday Morning Inspirational Blast "WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS" an old Hymn that avails much power today. An antidote when feeling low, rejected, in need of encouragement, forgiveness, peace and more. The Word of God clearly says, "Be anxious for nothing" and more (Philippians 4:6-7). We are to Carry Everything to God in Prayer. When we do this the LORD gives us peace like a river, He forgives us of our sins and still loves us. A must read.
Happy Resurrection! I had the opportunity to bring a 2 minute Word on Sunday. If you were there this message is now presented a little differently since children/teens were in attendance. The summary of this Inspirational Blast focuses on Jesus' final Word on the Cross "IT IS FINISH"- A Fulfilled Purpose John 19:30. Jesus Fulfilled Purpose begins from a baby in swaddling clothes to the shedding of His blood on the cross. We tell of Jesus' life pattern that helps us Fulfill our God given Purpose. Then like Jesus we too will say "IT IS FINISH!" A must Read. Please click the link below to receive all God has for you, Amen!

This summary/introduction of "GOD IS/I AM" presents the Word to clearly define and increase our understanding of how God's GLORY, TRUTH, EXISTENCE and more operates and manifests in our lives. For example Psalm 27NKJV is titled "Fearless Trust in the LORD. Asking that you click on Neatbooks4u to read the entire article increasing the manifestation of God's Word operating in our lives. We are God's benefactors. Look forward to your reading, comments and sharing. Continue blessings!!!
Overcoming with CHARITY/LOVE summary is about LOVE. Recognizing Valentine's Day is this Wednesday gives a great opportunity to share the LOVE and FORGIVENESS of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, due to the finished work of Christ on the cross. This article shares the importance of LOVE and how to overcome the inability of FORGIVENESS for self and others. Moreover focuses on scriptures, the power of God's Word to declare and internalize in prayer for breakthrough (s). A must read of the entire article. Continue LOVE, FORGIVENESS AND BLESSINGS!!!
"SO SHALL MY WORD BE" summary is an opportunity to increase our faith and put into practice God's Word when overwhelmed and feel helpless. Life seems out of control with family, others, violence, government and world issues. Our Heavenly Father reminds us "SO SHALL MY WORD BE" Isaiah 55:11. This article focus on scriptures to reiterate God's faithfulness and love for us. He offers help for the weary, those who lack and gives us instructions on how to live for Him. A testimony is shared on how God heard my confession, plea for His help and delivered. It is our prayer "SO SHALL MY WORD BE" a blessing to you as It continues to bless me!
Approximately 5 minute Inspirational Blast Moving Forward "A Promise" shares my story, God's response to my cry, and A Promise that results to discourse. Moreover based on my actions seemingly forgot my Promise, all God has done, continues doing for and through me! Hopefully this Inspirational Blast will inspire you and others to realize all God has and continues doing for and through you. Then like me if applicable, honor your Promise.
Power of the Blood at Work Broken Veil-Revised Ebook confirms our ability to succeed in life when we are obedient to God's Word. We learn: (1) how "To get up, when down;" (2) to operate in wisdom & knowledge concerning the Coronavirus: & (3) the importance of humility, praying, seeking God & turning from our wicked ways. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14 for God's promises. Finally a perfect gift for Easter/Resurrection Sunday. Visit E Store today for your copy @ $3.59.
Sip with Me, as we SIP ON GOD'S WORD to share a short weekly series on The Trump & Republicans' Saga. The purpose is to share my sentiments, increase our understanding of what happened, help us cope more effectively and not to lose hope.