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A five minute Inspirational Message to cope with grief during the holiday seasons due to death of loved ones and other traumatic events. To grieve is a normal healthy emotion. Jesus grieved. He wept over the death of his good friend, Lazarus. Read John 11:33-35.

On many occasions we have tremendous difficulty navigating through death and traumatic events to reach some degree of acceptance. Not to minimize our loss. Therefore this inspirational message is to help us "Navigate Through the Holiday Blues." Looking forward to you tuning in and our conversations through blog-talk. As always Arnetha declares "Your Destiny, Your Best."

A summary of Getting Through the Holidays portrays real feelings and emotions associated with the loss and memories of loved ones; as well as, trauma events. Excerpts are shared from Help in the Midst of Grieving Handbook to hopefully benefit and bless others. I will also share the passion to write this handbook.