Article Archive

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"BE READY, BE READY, BE READY!" Inspired by a Facebook Eclipse comment from Influence HER: Woman of Worth, "Y'all worried about the eclipse coming when y'all need to worry about when Jesus is coming" and inspirations from two friends. The coming of the LORD and His purpose is confirmed in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 "For the LORD Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and moreā€¦." We share headline news of the eclipse and the life changing significance of Headline News for the Rapture that will impact us eternally. The believer must BE READY, BE READY, BE READY! We don't want to be asleep if Christ returns while we are alive. Then we want to be in Christ when we died to be resurrect first and hear the message "Good and faithful servant." A must read! Please click below to receive all God has for us and blessings!!!
Ephesians 2:10 excerpts "We are God's workmanship and through Christ created for Good Works. Requiring self-denial like Christ. Also focusing on Luke 22:42 saying "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me. Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done;" in addition to Christ's cup, our bitter cup and ways to remain focus on Good Works since we are CHOSEN by God for greatness—His Good Works!
"PERFECTED WALK" focus on walking "Heel to Toe," the purposes and benefits. Then in comparison to our "PERFECTED WALK" in Christ like Paul. A must read!
"THE RAIN" Inspirational Blast is more than a "Weather report" despite the RAIN descriptions and levels. We talk about RAIN levels to clearly see and understand our level of love relationship with and in Christ. We focus on THE RAIN'S spiritual provisions towards the just and unjust; reiterate God's desires for His children and explore portions of Yolanda Adam's lyrics like "Even if it RAINS outside, there is light" to show the goodness of God's RAIN-His provisions. This Inspirational Blast is designed to increase our awareness and trust God's provisions of RAIN in our life journey and to love Him more. Lastly to receive all God has for you in this Inspirational Blast please click the link below. Continue Blessings!!!
Overcoming with CHARITY/LOVE summary is about LOVE. Recognizing Valentine's Day is this Wednesday gives a great opportunity to share the LOVE and FORGIVENESS of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, due to the finished work of Christ on the cross. This article shares the importance of LOVE and how to overcome the inability of FORGIVENESS for self and others. Moreover focuses on scriptures, the power of God's Word to declare and internalize in prayer for breakthrough (s). A must read of the entire article. Continue LOVE, FORGIVENESS AND BLESSINGS!!!
Witnessing His Goodness is based on 1 Peter 3:15 "But sanctify Christ as LORD in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence." This scripture is broken-down to increase our understanding. More is shared to help us increase Witnessing the LORD's Goodness. Light is shed on telling someone when asked, "What is your hope in the LORD?" O what a grand opportunity to share God's Goodness of forgiveness, love, restoration, eternal blessing and more. As witnesses of God' Goodness a description of the heart, feeding the heart, our Witnessing His Goodness when the person did not ask and our disposition or character while Witnessing to others. A must read to increase ones' personal Witnessing of the LORD'S Goodness.

"SO SHALL MY WORD BE" summary is an opportunity to increase our faith and put into practice God's Word when overwhelmed and feel helpless. Life seems out of control with family, others, violence, government and world issues. Our Heavenly Father reminds us "SO SHALL MY WORD BE" Isaiah 55:11. This article focus on scriptures to reiterate God's faithfulness and love for us. He offers help for the weary, those who lack and gives us instructions on how to live for Him. A testimony is shared on how God heard my confession, plea for His help and delivered. It is our prayer "SO SHALL MY WORD BE" a blessing to you as It continues to bless me!
Sharing my encounter with Heavy Weigh, Jesus' promises and benefits of "I Will Give You Rest." Stuff and situations in life causes Heavy Weigh like unrest, worry, stress, insomnia and burdens. Visualize a person on their knees burdened with heavy weigh. I was lying in my bed and could not move because I felt heavy weighted. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV) "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I Will Give You Rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.'
Approximately 5 minute Inspirational Blast Moving Forward "A Promise" shares my story, God's response to my cry, and A Promise that results to discourse. Moreover based on my actions seemingly forgot my Promise, all God has done, continues doing for and through me! Hopefully this Inspirational Blast will inspire you and others to realize all God has and continues doing for and through you. Then like me if applicable, honor your Promise.